Interviewing Tommy Wieringa

Book cover. Image on right from wikimedia.

Monday October 12th at 7pm: Meet the Author: Tommy Wieringa

I’ll be hosting an event at the Nottingham Writers’ Studio where people can come and meet Award-winning Dutch novelist and journalist Tommy Wieringa, who will be reading from his novel Joe Speedboat, and others. I’d like to tell you more about Joe Speedboat but I’ve only just received his book. Another weekend of quick reading looms… The dust jacket says it is about a guy who awakes from a coma which is a little odd as I am currently reading Girlfriend in a Coma by Douglas Coupland. I’m guessing Wieringa’s arm wrestling character won’t be slipping in endless Smiths one liners as Coupland has done throughout his book!

The event is worth turning up to because it is dirt cheap and you can bring your own pop. There’ll also be lots of writers from the studio floating about. I can’t sell it any better than that. And yes, I’ll let you know if he’s a nice chap in the proceeding blog.

Bring a bottle. £2 non-members, members free. In partnership with Midland Creative.

Nottingham Writers’ Studio
Sutton Place Business Centre, 49 Stoney Street, The Lacemarket, Nottingham NG1 1LX
Tel: 0115 9597947