New story publication

I went to a magazine launch of Transmission ( on Wednesday 1st Feb 2007 at Sandbar in Manchester, an old haunt of mine from my days living in the city. Transmission’s remit is to publish work of up and coming authors and recently won the Inc writers award. They now have a readership of 600 which is a phenomenal growth given that this is only their seventh edition, their first starting with a print run of 50.

Transmission has themed issues and comes out three times a year. My story published was for a ‘time’ edition entitled ‘How the Loneliness of the Dartford Toll Operator made me miss a Digital Miracle’, a long title, partly in homage to Morrissey, a master of the convoluted and abstract. I forgot to mention my website in the author biog and so missed out on the opportunity for self promotion. I really must try harder in the future, honestly…

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About James

James specialises in digital literary heritage projects. He spends most of his time in front of a computer screen writing about life instead of living it. Therefore, do not trust a word he says.