Short story publications

I recently wrote a review of Danny Taylors’ Deep into the Forest for LeftLion. LeftLion is a new listings magazine which is trying to tackle the negative publicity Nottingham has been receiving of late by promoting local culture. This is something I feel strongly about and is a motivating force behind the Clough book. Although wit is sometimes sacrificed for intellect, LeftLion is a refreshing take on the citylife format and will certainly do more for Nottingham’s image than the slanting ‘N’.

My story ‘The Cocca-Bella Man’ will be published in September in the Route anthology Wonderwall. Wonderwall is also the name of an Oasis track, so if nothing else it’s guaranteed hits on Google. Here’s a link for the book.

Naked City (which includes one of my short stories) will feature in the BBC film Naked City by Spencer Tunick. The film will be broadcast on BBC 3 at 9pm Sunday 17 July and is a record of Spencer Tunick’s installation at the Baltic, Gateshead. I don’t have Sky so I’ll have to pretend I watched it.

An article I wrote for a student magazine (Platform) has been nominated for the Guardian student media awards.

An academic article I wrote about celebrity culture will be appearing in the July issue of Flow. Although unpaid (surprise) I am very proud of this as it features work by some of the top cultural critics, such as Jim McGuigan.